North Shore Lodge #93 Calendar and Information

Meetings: 7:30 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each Month
Lodge Hall: 4474 Rupert Street, Vancouver, BC 604-495-9163

2nd Tuesday Business meeting
4th Tuesday Emergent meeting

Board of General Purposes meets on the first Wednesday of the month

NOTE: Meetings can be subject to change due to weather or other factors
Please use our Contact page to confirm dates and times or leave a message 604-495-9163 and we'll get your message right away

No regular meetings in summer but meet often for coffee and fun events

North Shore Graphic

103 Years of Combined Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth

North Shore Lodge Hall in Lynn Valley is closed for Renovations. Please visit us at Park Hall Lodge at 4474 Rupert Street in Vancouver

Additional Calendar information available on the Grand Lodge website here Grand Lodge BCY Logo